Fun Day  

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Universe Custodian Guardians! ​
Voice of enslaved, gullible, homeless, ​
oppressed persecuted, struggling
suffering. The Good people. 
1 God's Favorites!!                  

Translation: Hawaiian Hawaiʻi


Universe Custodian Guardians not-for-profit not-
for-violence religious social-justice solutions! 
New-Age time-management administrator!
Free education provider, promoting:
 Law-GiverManifest: Proclaiming 1 God's
latest ​message for everyone and ​making all
​previous messages obsolete. 

Our Faith is our moral 
strength! Our guide, 
Law Giver Manifest

Humankind Destiny 
Space Exploration
​Space Colonization

1 GOD  1 FAITH  1 Church 
Universe Custodian Guardians

Gas Kills
Smoking Kills
Coal Chokes

Western Civilizations ends!
For human survival Custodian Guardian Civilization takes over!

A Shire is home to
​Custodian Guardian
1 GOD's people !

Cancel Summer Winter Olympics  

Food, drink in plastic containers is unhealthy and pollutes. It Ends ! ​Polluters are caged!

Report Seniors abuse !!!!

​​​End Wealth Apartheid
​end parasitic predatory profiteering Now​​

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Homeless are a ​community ​failure! ​​

Oceania  Province

​Cruise shipping is Environmental Vandalism! Hold Owners, Crew, Operators, ​Passengers, Accountable! 

​End Estate of
​Position Power Wealth